My P.A.B. Shopping List – Product Reviews & Recommendations

shopping list for moms

I call myself “Strong Headed Mom”, not only because both my son and myself are strong headed, but also because I always chose “head” over “heart” when I needed to make a decision or solve a problem in life.

When it comes to parenting, especially when I needed to buy anything for my child, I like to do my homework before placing any orders.  So it is safe to say that all of my purchase decisions are well-thought-out. I always made sure everything meets my P.A.B. standard:

  • Practical (purpose)

  • Affordable (price)

  • Beneficial (quality and positive outcome)

I am pretty good at finding practical solutions to a lot of problems that I need to face every single day as a mother. After being constantly asked to write about it by my friends and readers, I have decided to list and review (“pros” and “cons”) all the products, which I wrote about in my recent blog posts, in one place, so that my readers (like you 😉 ) can find them easily!

Here are my carefully curated P.A.B shopping lists (Stay tuned for more!!):

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Thank you and Happy Shopping 😉 !!!